Spring 2020 Virtual Choir

In March 2020 we had to cancel our choir due to COVID-19. Our singers rallied and poured their hearts into this inspirational performance…a light in this challenging time. We hope you enjoy watching and hearing these incredible kids sing.

Since we’ve had to make the difficult decision to cancel our Spring 2020 NCCC Session as we’re all staying at home for the greater good, we’ve come up with a fun way to stay connected and create something special together.

Welcome to our 2020 NCCC Virtual Performance!

Below is an instructional sheet to participate. If you’ve ever been part of the North County Children’s Choir…we’re inviting you to submit a video of you singing the song “We Won’t Stop Dreaming” and be part of this inspirational video recording project.

Here is the link to the files you’ll need on Google Drive: CLICK HERE

Follow the instructions and send in your video by Saturday, April 25th, 2020 and we’ll include you in our Virtual Choir Performance.

Below is the video message announcing the need to cancel our 2020 Spring Session and plans for the Virtual Choir Performance.